you really NEED seo. Seo ist the tool or the key to see your
site in the search engines on page one.
Is seo a hype? Of course seo is not a hype. Seo is the key to
transform a website or webshop in a tool that brings you new
So what can a seo

traffic to your video website on youtube, myspace or yahoo video.
A good seo can bring you much more customers to your website on
the keywords that you want your website showing up.
A good seo can set up a great and much cheaper google adword
campaign. A google Adword Campaign that drives more traffic for
less money.
A good seo can put your business on google maps. Google Maps is
a great way to drive free and relevant traffic.
A good seo

Why into an rss feed? Cause a good seo drives tons of visitiors using
the rss format.
A good seo can transform your website into pdf files that rank well
and drive even more traffic to your website.
A good seo can speak many languages so he can drive traffic not only
in english, german, spanish, portogues or italian.
A good seo knows how to drive traffic from a Facebook Fanpage or from
a Facebook Community page.
A good seo can work on great Backlinks for your website. Backlinks that
are not spam and backlinks that will push your site to the top.
A good seo